  • 江苏省常熟市湖山路99号
  • dqxy@cslg.edu.cn
  • 0512-52251584
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来源: 作者: 发布时间: 2024-03-12浏览次数:




2019.9~2023.9 西安电子科技大学,信息与通信工程,博士研究生

2017.9~2019.8 西安电子科技大学,生物医学工程,硕士研究生

2013.9~2017.6 苏州科技大学,电子信息工程,本科




· 代表性学术成果


1. Shi Y, Wang Y, Meng F, et al. 3D Directional Gradient L0 Norm Minimization Guided MAP Reconstruction in a Dual-Panel Positron Emission Mammography[J]. Computers in Biology and Medicine, 2023, 161: 107010. (IF= 7.7)

2. Shi Y, Wang Y, Zhou J, et al. DH-Mammo PET: A Dual-head Positron Emission Mammography System for Breast Imaging[J]. Physics in Medicine and Biology, 2022, 67(20): 205004. (IF= 3.5)

3. Shi Y, Meng F, Zhou J, et al. GPU-Based Real-Time Software Coincidence Processing for Digital PET System[J]. IEEE Transactions on Radiation and Plasma Medical Sciences, 2022, 6(6): 707-20. (IF= 4.4)

4. Shi Y, Li J, Zhang X, et al. Detector-Trigger-Based Cardiac Multiphase Micro-CT Imaging for Small Animals [J]. Journal of X-ray Science and Technology, 2023, 31(5): 1047-66. (IF= 3.0)

5. Meng F, Shi Y, Li C, et al. Hybrid model of photon propagation based on the analytical and Monte Carlo methods for a dual-head PET system[J]. Physics in Medicine and Biology, 2021, 66(17): 175008. (IF= 3.5)


1. Wen B#, Shi Y#, et al. Simultaneous Dual-nuclide Imaging Based on Software-based Triple Coincidence Processing[C]//17th International Meeting on Fully 3D Image Reconstruction in Radiology and Nuclear Medicine. 2023.

2. 时煜,栗军涛,等. 基于探测器触发的小鼠心脏动态Micro-CT成像[C]//2023中国生物医学工程大会.

3. Shi Y, Wang Y, et al. Prompt-gamma Energy Spectrum-based Simultaneous Dual-isotope PET Imaging [C]//2022 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference (2022 NSS/MIC). 2022.

4. Shi Y, Meng F, et al. GPU-Based Real-Time Software Coincidence Processing [C]//16th International Meeting on Fully 3D Image Reconstruction in Radiology and Nuclear Medicine. 2021.

5. Shi Y, Meng F, et al. Combination Strategy of Deep Learning and Direct Back Projection for High-efficiency Computed Tomography Reconstruction [C]// 3rd International Symposium on Image Computing and Digital Medicine. 2019.

· 承担的科研课题

1. 国家重点研发计划数字诊疗装备研发,基于PET-光学融合的乳腺成像系统研发,已结题,参与

2. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,基于三光子软符合的PET双核素同时成像技术研究,在研,参与




Email: shiyu@cslg.edu.cn

地址:江苏省常熟市湖山路99号(东南校区)    邮编:215500 电话:0512-52251584 传真:0512-52251584